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How Much Does It Cost To Build An MVP for Manufacturing

Dhaval Thummar

1 month ago
How Much Does It Cost To Build An MVP for Manufacturing

Building an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) can be a game-changer for manufacturing businesses looking to innovate. But one big question that usually comes up is: How much does it cost to build an MVP for manufacturing? Understanding the cost of an MVP is important for making smart decisions about product development. Let’s break down the costs and what factors influence them, so you know what to expect.

According to a survey by TechCrunch, the average cost of developing an MVP is around $30,000, though this can vary depending on the factors mentioned above. For manufacturing-specific MVPs, the costs can be higher due to the complexity of hardware and materials involved.

What Is an MVP?

Before we jump into the costs, let’s clarify what an MVP is. MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product. It's the simplest version of a product that you can build to test whether it works and if people are interested in it. For manufacturing, this could be a new machine, a software tool, or even a new process that you want to test out.

"An MVP is not just about launching a product; it’s about learning quickly and cost-effectively." – Eric Ries, Author of The Lean Startup

How Much Does It Cost to Build an MVP for Manufacturing?

The MVP cost for manufacturing can vary widely depending on several factors. Let’s look at some key points that influence the MVP Cost.

1. Type of MVP

Different types of MVPs have different costs. For example:

  • Hardware MVP: This could be a prototype of a new machine or tool. Hardware MVPs are usually more expensive because they involve materials, manufacturing processes, and sometimes specialized equipment.
  • Software MVP: This can be a new software tool for managing manufacturing processes. Software MVPs usually cost less to develop compared to hardware MVPs but can still be mainly dependent on the complexity.

2. Development Team

The cost of an MVP also depends on who is building it. You Can need to hire an MVP Development Company or work with engineers and designers. Here’s a rough idea of the costs:

  • Freelancers: Can be cheaper but can not provide the same level of expertise.
  • Development Companies: These usually cost more but bring experience and a team of experts.

3. Complexity of the Product

A more complex MVP will naturally cost more. For example:

  • Simple MVP: A basic prototype of a new tool might cost $5,000 - $10,000.
  • Complex MVP: A sophisticated piece of machinery or software could cost $50,000 or more.

5. Testing and Iteration

Building an MVP usually involves testing and development changes based on feedback. This iteration process can add to the overall MVP cost. Testing helps ensure that the final product is reliable and meets the needs of users.

6. Location and Development Costs

Where you build your MVP can also affect the cost. Development costs can vary depending on your location and the cost of development in that region.

Example Costs for Manufacturing MVPs

To give you a clearer picture, here are some example costs for different types of MVPs in the manufacturing sector:

  • Basic MVP: $5,000 - $15,000
  • Medium Functionality MVP: $20,000 - $100,000
  • Advanced MVP: $10,000 - $50,000

Note: When budgeting for an MVP, remember that costs can add up quickly, especially if you need to make multiple iterations. It’s important to plan for extra expenses and be prepared to invest more if needed.

Factors Affecting MVP Cost for Manufacturing

The cost to build an MVP for manufacturing depends on many factors:

Complexity of the Product: More complex products need more time and resources to develop, increasing the MVP cost. For instance, a basic tool can be cheaper to build than a high-tech MVP with advanced features.

Design and Prototyping: You’ll need to design and create a prototype of your MVP. This can involve costs for design software and expert advice.

Development Team: Hiring a team of developers and designers can impact the MVP cost. The more experienced the team, the higher the cost.

Testing and Feedback: Once your MVP is ready, you need to test it and get feedback from users. This can involve additional costs for testing equipment and user studies.

Also Read - MVP in Agile Development - Meaning and Importance

Tips for Reducing MVP Cost

Start Small: Focus on the core features that solve the main problem. Avoid adding unnecessary features.

Use Existing Resources: If possible, use existing tools or components to save money.

Outsource Wisely: Consider hiring an MVP development company that specializes in manufacturing. They often have experience and can provide cost-effective solutions.

Iterate Quickly: Get feedback early and make adjustments. This can help you avoid expensive changes later.

Tip: Look for MVP development companies with experience in manufacturing MVP. They can guide you through the process more efficiently.


Building an MVP for manufacturing can be an important step in developing a successful product. By understanding the MVP cost and following the tips provided, you can manage your budget and make informed decisions. Remember, the key is to start simple, test thoroughly, and build based on feedback. 

Ready to bring your manufacturing MVP idea to life? At MicraSol, we make app development easy and affordable. Let our experts help you create a simple, effective MVP. Contact us today and start building your dream product!


Why should I build an MVP for my manufacturing business?

Building an MVP helps you test your product idea without spending too much money. It helps you find out if your idea works and if people like it before you spend more time and money on making a fancy version.

How much does it cost to build an MVP for manufacturing?

The cost of building an MVP for manufacturing can vary a lot. It might be between $40,000 and $200,000. This depends on how complex your product is, how many people you hire, and other factors.

What should I expect during the MVP development process?

You should expect to design and build a basic version of your product, test it with users, and get feedback. This helps you understand what works and what needs to be improved.

How long does it take to build an MVP for manufacturing?

The time to build an MVP can vary. It might take a few months to design, build, and test your MVP. The exact time depends on the complexity of your product and the speed of your development team.

What is the main goal of an MVP?

The main goal of an MVP is to test your product idea and get feedback from users. It helps you learn if your idea is good and if people want to use it, before you spend more money on making it better.

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