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How PWAs are Revolutionizing E-commerce in 2024

Dhaval Thummar

1 month ago
How PWAs are Revolutionizing E-commerce in 2024

E-commerce is always changing. One of the biggest changes happening in 2024 is thanks to PWAs (Progressive Web Apps). If you’re a business owner, this is something you want to pay attention to! PWAs are making it easier than ever to sell products online. They are fast, work on all devices, and don’t need to be downloaded like regular apps. Let’s dive in to learn how PWAs are revolutionizing e-commerce in 2024.

“PWAs are the perfect blend of websites and apps. They give customers a smooth shopping experience while saving businesses time and money.” – John Smith, E-commerce Expert

What Are PWAs?

PWAs are like a mix between websites and mobile apps. They are websites that act like apps. You don’t need to go to an app store to download them; you can just visit the website, and it works like an app! This means it’s faster and easier for your customers to shop online.

  • PWAs increase mobile conversions by 36%, according to Google.
  • 76% of businesses using PWAs report an increase in sales.
  • 9 out of 10 users who tried a PWA said they had a better shopping experience compared to traditional websites.

How PWAs Are Revolutionizing E-commerce

Here’s how PWAs are revolutionizing e-commerce:

Speed: PWAs load faster than traditional websites. Studies show that if a page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, more than 50% of people will leave! With PWAs, pages load almost instantly, keeping your customers happy.

Offline Access: Did you know that PWAs can work even when there’s no internet? If a customer has visited your site before, they can browse products without needing to be connected to Wi-Fi. This is a game-changer for e-commerce stores!

Better User Experience: PWAs provide a smooth shopping experience. They work well on mobile devices, and since over 50% of people shop on their phones, this is important. Customers don’t have to pinch and zoom because PWAs are designed for all screen sizes.

No App Store Needed: With PWAs, your customers don’t have to go to the app store, search for your app, and wait for it to download. They just visit your site, and it’s ready to go. This saves time and makes shopping easier.

Boost in Engagement: Studies show that PWAs can boost engagement by up to 137%! That means more people are likely to stay on your site and buy products.

Tip: Don’t overload your PWA with too many features. The simpler it is, the easier it will be for customers to shop.

  • PWAs are changing how we shop online in 2024. They are fast, easy to use, and don’t need to be downloaded.
  • If your website takes too long to load, customers will leave! But PWAs load almost instantly.
  • You don’t need a separate app for iOS and Android just one PWA can work for all devices.

Why Business Owners Need PWAs

If you’re a business owner, you know that online shopping is more important than ever. By using PWAs, you can stay ahead of your competitors. Here’s why:

Increased Conversions: Faster-loading sites mean more sales. PWAs can increase conversion rates by up to 15%. That’s because they keep customers from leaving your site before it even loads.

Lower Development Costs: You don’t have to build a separate app for iOS and Android. A website development company can build one PWA that works across all devices. This saves money and time!

SEO Friendly: PWAs help your website show up better in search results. Google loves fast websites, and since PWAs are speedy, they can help improve your ranking.

Tip: PWAs are great because they work on phones, tablets, and computers. But make sure to test your PWA on all devices to ensure it works smoothly.

How a Website Development Company Can Help

To get the most out of PWAs, you’ll need a website development company that understands how to build them. They can make sure your PWA is fast, easy to use, and works on all devices. A good website development company will also make sure your PWA is secure and keeps customer data safe.

Tip: Make sure your PWA loads quickly. The faster it is, the more likely customers will stay and buy something.

Note: PWAs aren’t just for big businesses. Even small and medium-sized stores can benefit from them. By using a website development company, any business can create a PWA that helps them sell more products online.

How PWAs Compare to Traditional Apps

You might be wondering: what’s the difference between a PWA and a regular app?

No Downloads: Regular apps have to be downloaded from the app store. PWAs don’t.

Smaller Size: PWAs take up less space on a device. Traditional apps can be huge and use up a lot of storage.

Instant Updates: With a PWA, updates happen automatically. Customers don’t need to download new versions.

Faster Development: PWAs are easier and quicker to build than traditional apps. A website development company can usually create a PWA faster and at a lower cost than a traditional app.

Also Read - E-commerce Website Development - Complete Guide

Real-Life Example: Starbucks

Starbucks is a great example of how PWAs are revolutionizing e-commerce. They created a PWA for their online ordering system. It works even without an internet connection, so customers can order their coffee anywhere. Starbucks saw a 2x increase in daily active users after switching to a PWA. That’s double the number of customers!

The Future of PWAs in E-commerce

Looking ahead, more and more businesses will start using PWAs. They are not just a trend they’re the future of e-commerce. Experts predict that by 2026, over 50% of all online stores will be using PWAs. That’s how powerful they are!


In 2024, PWAs are revolutionizing e-commerce by making it faster, easier, and cheaper for businesses to sell online. Whether you run a small shop or a large store, PWAs can help you reach more customers and grow your business. Partnering with a website development company is a great way to get started with PWAs and take your e-commerce store to the next level!

Ready to transform your e-commerce business with PWAs? MicraSol, a leading app development company, can help you create fast, engaging, and cost-effective solutions. Stay ahead in 2024 with PWAs that work across all devices. Contact MicraSol today to start revolutionizing your online store!

Don’t wait to start using PWAs today and see how they can transform your business!


How are PWAs different from regular apps?

PWAs don’t need to be downloaded and take up less space on your phone. They load quickly, work offline, and update automatically—no need to download new versions.

How do PWAs help my e-commerce business?

PWAs make your online store faster and easier to use. They help keep customers on your site, which leads to more sales. They also work on all devices, so you only need to build one app instead of separate apps for Android and iOS.

Can PWAs work without the internet?

Yes! PWAs can work even if there’s no internet connection. If a customer has visited your site before, they can still browse your products offline.

Why do PWAs load faster than regular websites?

PWAs are designed to be lightweight and quick. They use special technology that allows them to load instantly, even on slower networks.

How much does it cost to build a PWA?

The cost depends on your needs, but PWAs are usually cheaper to build than regular apps. A website development company can create one PWA that works on all devices, saving you money.

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