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MVP Testing - How to Validate MVP With Real Users

Dhaval Thummar

2 months ago
MVP Testing - How to Validate MVP With Real Users

Introduction to MVP Testing

When you start a new business or launch a new product, it's important to make sure people will like it before spending too much time or money. That’s where MVP Testing comes in. MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product, which is the simplest version of your product that you can create. By using an MVP, you can test your idea with real users to see if it works before you make the full product.

In this article, we will explore How you can build and validate your MVP with real users. We’ll discuss why it’s important, how to do it, and what to look for during the testing process.

What is MVP Testing?

MVP Testing is the process of checking if your Minimum Viable Product fulfils the needs of your target users. The goal is to see if people will use and benefit from what you’ve created. If they do, you can go ahead and develop the full version. If not, you can make changes before investing more time and money.

MVP Testing is like asking a few friends if they like the small cake you baked before making a big cake for a party. You want to know if it tastes good and if they’d want more.

Why Should You Validate Your MVP?

Validating your MVP with real users is important because it helps you avoid big mistakes. Imagine spending months developing a product, only to find out later that nobody wants it. MVP Testing saves you from this by helping you to check early on if your idea works.

  • Saves Time and Money: By testing a simple version first, you avoid wasting resources on something that can not work.
  • Gathers Real Feedback: Real users can tell you what they like or dislike about your MVP, helping you improve it.
  • Reduces Risk: By understanding what users want, you lower the risk of launching a product that fails.

Steps to Validate Your MVP With Real Users

Now that you know why MVP Testing is important, let’s go through the steps to validate your MVP with real users.

1. Define Your MVP

Before you can test anything, you need to know exactly what your Minimum Viable Product is. Your MVP should have just enough features to solve a problem for your users. Don’t try to add too much at this stage. Keep it simple.

For example, if you’re building a new app for learning math, your MVP can only include basic addition and subtraction features. Once you know what your MVP is, you can start the testing process.

2. Identify Your Target Users

To get valuable feedback, you need to Test your MVP with the right people. Identify who your target users are. These are the people who would most benefit from your product.

For example, if your MVP is a math app for kids, your target users can be children aged 6-10 and their parents. Make sure to select users who match this group for your MVP Testing.

3. Create a Testing Plan

A testing plan outlines how you will validate your MVP. It includes details on how many users you will test with, what feedback you will collect, and how you will measure success.

In your testing plan, decide on:

  • The Number of Testers: How many people will you test your MVP with? A small group is often enough.
  • Feedback Questions: What questions will you ask to gather feedback? For example, “Was the app easy to use?” or “Did you find the math problems helpful?”
  • Success Metrics: How will you know if your MVP was successful? This might include things like how many users completed a task or how many liked the product.

4. Conduct the MVP Test

With your plan in place, it’s time to conduct the MVP Test. Give your Minimum Viable Product to the real users you identified and ask them to try it out. Watch how they use it and listen to their feedback.

During the MVP Testing, pay attention to:

  • User Behavior: Are users easily able to use your MVP, or do they struggle?
  • User Feedback: What do users say about your MVP? Do they like it, or do they suggest changes?
  • Completion Rates: How many users complete the tasks your MVP is designed for?

5. Analyze the Results

Once your testing is complete, it’s time to analyze the results. Look at the feedback and data you collected to see if your MVP was successful. Did users like it? Did they find it useful? Were there any problems?

Use this information to decide your next steps. If the feedback is mostly positive, you can move forward with developing the full product. If there are issues, you may need to go back and make changes to your MVP before testing again.

6. Repeat Based on Feedback

The final step in MVP Testing is to repeat or make improvements based on the feedback you received. This can mean fixing bugs, adding new features, or simplifying the User Interface. After making these changes, you might want to conduct another round of testing to ensure your MVP is ready for full development.

Also Read - How to Build an MVP for a Health & Fitness App

Common Mistakes to Avoid in MVP Testing

When you’re validating your MVP, it’s important to avoid some common mistakes that could lead to inaccurate results.

  • Skipping the Target User Research: Make sure you test with the right users. Testing with the wrong group can give you misleading feedback.
  • Overcomplicating the MVP: Keep your MVP simple. Adding too many features can make it hard to tell what users need.
  • Ignoring Feedback: Listen to what your users are telling you. Ignoring their feedback can lead to a failed product.


MVP Testing is an important step in the product development process. By validating your Minimum Viable Product with real users, you can ensure that your idea is worth pursuing before investing heavily in it. This process helps you save time, reduce costs, and create a product that users will love.

Remember, MVP Testing is not just about seeing if your product works; it’s about understanding your users and learning what they truly need. So, take the time to validate your MVP properly, and you’ll be on the right path to creating a successful product.

Ready to make your app idea a reality? MicraSol is here to help! We'll test your MVP with real users and make sure it's perfect before launch. Contact us today and start your journey to a successful app!

If you need help with your MVP Testing or want to partner with an MVP Development Company, don’t hesitate to reach out to experts who can guide you through the process.


Why should I test my MVP?

Testing your MVP helps you see if people like it and if it works well. If users enjoy it, you know you’re on the right track. If they don’t, you can make changes before spending more time and money.

How do I know if my MVP is ready for testing?

Your MVP is ready when it has enough features to show its main idea but isn’t too complicated. It should solve a problem or make life easier for your users, even if it’s just a basic version.

Who should test my MVP?

You should test your MVP with people who would use it. For example, if you’re making an app for kids, test it with kids and their parents. They can give you the best feedback on what works and what doesn’t.

How do I gather feedback from users?

Ask your testers specific questions about their experience. For example, “Was the app easy to use?” or “What did you like or dislike?” You can also watch how they use the MVP to see where they can struggle.

What should I do with the feedback I get?

Use the feedback to improve your MVP. If users say something is confusing or doesn’t work well, make changes based on their suggestions. Then, you can want to test again to make sure the changes worked.

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